Convert GHz to Hz | Expert Calculator with Examples


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Wes Nolte

Convert GHz to Hz | Expert Calculator with Examples


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Written by

Wes Nolte

Why is converting gigahertz to hertz (GHz to Hz) useful?

Converting gigahertz (GHz) to hertz (Hz) is useful in various scientific and engineering contexts where precise frequency measurements are required. The gigahertz unit is commonly used to express frequencies in the gigahertz range, which is equivalent to one billion hertz. The conversion from gigahertz to hertz is a straightforward multiplication by 10^9 because the prefix “giga-” represents a factor of 10^9.

A conversion calculator showing the value of 1 ghz to hz and other frequency units

What are Gigahertz?

Gigahertz (GHz) is a unit of frequency that is equal to one billion hertz. The hertz (Hz) is the standard unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI), representing cycles per second. Therefore, a gigahertz is equivalent to one billion cycles per second. In the context of computing and electronics, gigahertz is commonly used to express the clock speed of processors (CPU) and the frequency of various electronic signals. For example, a processor with a clock speed of 2.4 GHz completes 2.4 billion cycles per second.

Gigahertz are also used in the field of telecommunications to describe the frequency of radio waves, microwave signals, and other communication technologies. For instance, the frequency bands used for Wi-Fi networks and mobile communication (such as 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz) are specified in gigahertz.

What are Hertz?

Hertz (Hz) is the unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI), and it measures the number of cycles or oscillations of a periodic wave that occur in one second. One hertz is equivalent to one cycle per second.

For example:

  • If a pendulum swings back and forth once every second, its frequency is 1 hertz.
  • If a sound wave completes one oscillation in one second, it has a frequency of 1 hertz.
  • In the context of electromagnetic waves, like radio waves or light waves, the frequency is also measured in hertz. For instance, if a radio signal completes one cycle every second, it has a frequency of 1 hertz.

The hertz is named after Heinrich Hertz, a German physicist who made significant contributions to the study of electromagnetism and demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic waves. The unit is commonly used in various scientific and engineering fields to describe the rate of repetitive events or oscillations.

How to convert GHz to Hz

Converting from gigahertz (GHz) to hertz (Hz) is a straightforward process that involves understanding the relationship between these two units of frequency.

The conversion formula to convert from GHz to Hz is: \text{Hz} = \text{GHz} × 1,000,000,000


  • Hz represents the frequency in hertz
  • GHz represents the frequency in gigahertz

Conversion Example

To convert 2.5 GHz to hertz, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the frequency in GHz: GHz = 2.5
  2. Apply the conversion formula: Hz = 2.5 × 1,000,000,000 = 2,500,000,000 Hz

The resulting value 2,500,000,000 Hz indicates that 2.5 GHz is equivalent to 2,500,000,000 cycles per second.

Online Calculator for Converting GHz to Hz

There are several reasons why you should use an online calculator to convert between gigahertz (GHz) and hertz (Hz):

  1. Accuracy: Online calculators are programmed with precise conversion factors and formulas, ensuring accurate results. Manual calculations can be prone to human error, which could lead to inaccurate conversions.
  2. Convenience: Online calculators are readily available and accessible, eliminating the need for memorizing conversion factors or manually performing calculations.
  3. Efficiency: Online calculators provide quick and immediate conversions, saving time and effort compared to manual calculations.
  4. Versatility: Many online calculators offer conversions for a wide range of units, not just GHz to Hz. This versatility makes them a valuable tool for various applications.
  5. Ease of Use: Online calculators are typically designed with user-friendly interfaces, making them easy to operate even for those with limited technical knowledge.
  6. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Online calculators are accessible from various devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets, ensuring flexibility and convenience.
  7. Free and Widely Available: Online calculators are often provided free of charge, making them a cost-effective and accessible resource.
  8. Additional Features: Many online calculators offer additional features, such as unit history, conversion tables, and advanced calculation capabilities.

We at have a great calculator that quick, and accurately converts from GHz to Hz for you.

Lookup Table: Common Conversions from Hertz and Gigahertz

Here’s a table showing common conversions from gigahertz (GHz) to hertz (Hz) and other unit measures of frequency:

Gigahertz (GHz)Hertz (Hz)Kilohertz (kHz)Megahertz (MHz)Terahertz (THz)
1 GHz1,000,000,000 Hz1,000,000 kHz1,000 MHz0.001 THz
0.1 GHz100,000,000 Hz100,000 kHz100 MHz0.0001 THz
0.01 GHz10,000,000 Hz10,000 kHz10 MHz0.00001 THz
0.001 GHz1,000,000 Hz1,000 kHz1 MHz0.000001 THz
0.0001 GHz100,000 Hz100 kHz0.1 MHz0.0000001 THz
0.00001 GHz10,000 Hz10 kHz0.01 MHz0.00000001 THz

The Gigahertz and Hertz Ranges For Common Forms of Electromagnetic Radiation

The relationship between gigahertz (GHz), megahertz (MHz), and electromagnetic radiation is primarily seen in the context of frequency. Electromagnetic radiation, which includes various forms of light, radio waves, microwaves, and more, is characterized by its frequency and wavelength.

FrequencyHertz (Hz)Gigahertz (GHz)
Radio waves30 kHz to 300 GHz0.03 to 300
Microwaves300 MHz to 300 GHz0.3 to 300
Infrared radiation300 GHz to 430 THz0.3 to 430
Visible light430 THz to 750 THz430 to 750
Ultraviolet radiation750 THz to 30 PHz750 to 30,000
X-rays30 PHz to 30 EHz30,000 to 30,000,000
Gamma rays30 EHz to 300 EHz30,000,000 to 300,000,000

Frequency and Wavelength

  • Frequency: This is the number of oscillations or cycles of a wave that occur in one second. It is measured in hertz (Hz), where one hertz is equal to one cycle per second.
  • Wavelength: This is the distance between successive peaks (or troughs) of a wave. It is often denoted by the symbol λ (lambda) and is inversely proportional to frequency.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

  • The electromagnetic spectrum encompasses a wide range of frequencies and wavelengths, from very low-frequency radio waves and microwaves to very high-frequency gamma rays.
  • Different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum are associated with different types of electromagnetic radiation, each with its own characteristic frequency range.

Gigahertz and Megahertz

  • Gigahertz and megahertz are units used to express frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Gigahertz (GHz): One gigahertz is equivalent to one billion hertz. Frequencies in the GHz range are often associated with microwave and millimeter-wave radiation, as well as certain portions of the radio frequency spectrum.
  • Megahertz (MHz): One megahertz is equal to one million hertz. Frequencies in the MHz range are commonly used for FM radio, television broadcasting, and some types of communication systems.


  • GHz and MHz frequencies are used in various applications, such as:
    • Microwaves: Microwave ovens operate in the GHz range.
    • Wireless Communications: GHz frequencies are used in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and certain mobile communication bands.
    • Broadcasting: MHz frequencies are used in FM radio and VHF television broadcasting.
    • Medical Imaging: Certain medical imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), use radiofrequency signals in the MHz range.

Fields that commonly convert from from gigahertz to hertz

Here are some fields where the GHz to Hz conversion is commonly used:

  1. Electronics and Telecommunications: In the design and analysis of electronic circuits, especially in the field of telecommunications and radio frequency (RF) engineering, frequencies are often expressed in gigahertz. Converting to hertz allows for compatibility with other units and standards used in these fields.
  2. Computer Science and Information Technology: CPU (Central Processing Unit) clock speeds and bus frequencies in computers are often specified in gigahertz. This conversion is useful when comparing these frequencies with other units used in computing or when dealing with system-level specifications.
  3. Physics and Metrology: In physics, particularly in studies related to electromagnetic waves and optics, frequencies of light and other electromagnetic phenomena are often measured in hertz. Converting frequencies from gigahertz to hertz facilitates the integration of these measurements into broader physical principles.
  4. Medical Imaging: In medical imaging, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT), radiofrequency signals are used at frequencies measured in gigahertz. Converting these frequencies to hertz can be important for understanding and optimizing imaging parameters.
  5. Wireless Communications: The frequencies of signals used in wireless communications, including Wi-Fi and mobile networks, are often specified in gigahertz. Converting these frequencies to hertz allows for consistency when dealing with other aspects of signal processing and analysis.
  6. Scientific Research: Various scientific experiments and research activities involve measurements of frequencies, and gigahertz is a common unit in these contexts. Converting to hertz ensures compatibility with the broader scientific community and established units.


  1. Heinrich Hertz and electromagnetic radiation:
  2. Hertz’s useless discovery:
  3. Gigahertz to Hertz Conversion Calculator:

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