How Many Minutes Are in a Circle? 1 Circle = 21,600 Minutes (Arcminutes)


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Written by

Wes Nolte

How Many Minutes Are in a Circle? 1 Circle = 21,600 Minutes (Arcminutes)


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Written by

Wes Nolte

Arcminutes are a unit of angular measurement, equal to one-sixtieth of a degree. A circle can be divided into 360 degrees. So, to calculate how many minutes are in a circle we use the formula: 360 * 60 = 21,600 arcminutes.

What is a Circle?

A circle is a two-dimensional geometric shape consisting of all points that are at a given distance from a given center point. The distance from the center point to any point on the circle is called the radius. The circumference of a circle is the total length of its perimeter.

A circle can be divided into 360 degrees. Each degree can be further divided into 60 arcminutes. Therefore, the answer to “how many minutes are in a circle” is 360 x 60 = 21,600 arcminutes in a circle.

What is an Arcminute?

An arcminute is a unit of angular measurement equal to one-sixtieth of a degree. It is denoted by the symbol ′. For example, an angle of 30 degrees can also be written as 30° or 30′ 00″.

A drawing showing how many minutes are in a circle

Arcminutes are commonly used in astronomy to measure the angular size of celestial objects. For example, the Moon has an angular size of about 31 arcminutes. This means that if you hold your thumb at arm’s length and line it up with the Moon, it will cover about 31 arcminutes of the sky.

Arcminutes are also used in navigation to measure the angular distance between two points on the Earth’s surface. For example, the latitude of New York City is 40° 42′ 46″ N. This means that New York City is located 40 degrees, 42 arcminutes, and 46 arcseconds north of the equator.

The Great Conjunction: Arcminutes Explained

How Many Minutes Are in a Circle?

Calculating how many minutes are in a circle requires the multiplication of large numbers. Unless you’re a math wizz then the fastest and most accurate option is to use a physical or online calculator e.g.

How are Arcminutes Used to Measure the Angular Size of Objects?

The angular size of an object is the angle that is formed by two lines drawn from the eye to the two ends of the object. The larger the object, the larger the angular size.

To measure the angular size of an object using arcminutes, you can use a protractor or an astronomical telescope. If you are using a protractor, simply hold it up to the object and measure the angle between the two lines. If you are using an astronomical telescope, there will be a scale in the eyepiece that you can use to measure the angle.

Here are some examples of how arcminutes are used to measure the angular size of objects:

  • The Sun has an angular size of about 32 arcminutes.
  • The Moon has an angular size of about 31 arcminutes.
  • Jupiter has an angular size of about 49 arcminutes.
  • Saturn has an angular size of about 20 arcminutes.
  • The Large Magellanic Cloud has an angular size of about 11 degrees.
  • The Small Magellanic Cloud has an angular size of about 4 degrees.

Measuring the Angular Distance Between Two Points on Earth

The angular distance between two points on the Earth’s surface is the angle that is formed by two lines drawn from the center of the Earth to the two points. The larger the distance between the two points, the larger the angular distance.

To measure the angular distance between two points on the Earth’s surface using arcminutes, you can use a global positioning system (GPS) device. GPS devices use satellite signals to calculate your latitude, longitude, and altitude. They can also calculate the angular distance between two points.

Here are some examples of how arcminutes are used to measure the angular distance between two points on the Earth’s surface:

  • The angular distance between New York City and Los Angeles is about 44 degrees.
  • The angular distance between London and Paris is about 2 degrees.
  • The angular distance between Sydney and Tokyo is about 75 degrees.
  • The angular distance between the North Pole and the South Pole is 180 degrees.

Applications of Arcminutes

Arcminutes are used in a variety of fields, including astronomy, navigation, surveying, and cartography. In astronomy, arcminutes are used to measure the angular size of celestial objects. This information can be used to calculate the distance to the objects and their physical size. In navigation, arcminutes are used to measure the angular distance between two points on the Earth’s surface. This information can be used to plot a course and calculate the distance between two points. In surveying, arcminutes are used to measure the angles between different points on the Earth’s surface. This information can be used to create maps and to determine the location of property boundaries. In cartography, arcminutes are used to measure the angular distance between different points on a map. This information is used to create accurate maps of the Earth’s surface.

Comparing Degrees, Arcseconds, and Arcminutes

Here is a table that compares measures of angle such as a circle, arcminutes, arcseconds, and degrees. This information makes it easy to understand how many minutes are in a circle.

UnitDefinitionRelationship to a circle
CircleA two-dimensional geometric shape consisting of all points that are at a given distance from a given center point1 circle = 360 degrees
DegreeA unit of angular measurement equal to one-three hundred and sixtieth of a circle1 degree = 60 arcminutes
ArcminuteA unit of angular measurement equal to one-sixtieth of a degree1 arcminute = 60 arcseconds
ArcsecondA unit of angular measurement equal to one-sixtieth of an arcminute1 arcsecond = 1/1296000 of a circle


Arcminutes are a valuable tool for measuring the angular size of objects and the angular distance between two points. They are used in a variety of fields, including astronomy, navigation, surveying, and cartography. Understanding how many minutes are in a circle is key to understanding the concept of arcminutes and arcseconds.

Here are some additional examples of how arcminutes are used in each of these fields:

  • Astronomy: Arcminutes are used to measure the positions of stars and planets in the sky. This information is used to create star charts and to study the motions of celestial objects.
  • Navigation: Arcminutes are used to measure the altitude of celestial objects above the horizon. This information is used to calculate latitude and to navigate at sea.
  • Surveying: Arcminutes are used to measure the angles between different points on the Earth’s surface. This information is used to create accurate maps and to determine the location of property boundaries.
  • Cartography: Arcminutes are used to measure the angular distance between different points on a map. This information is used to create accurate maps of the Earth’s surface.

Arcminutes are a simple but powerful tool for measuring angular size and distance. They are used in a variety of fields to help us understand the world around us.

Here are some additional thoughts on the importance of arcminutes:

  • Arcminutes are used in many scientific instruments, such as telescopes and microscopes. These instruments use arcminutes to measure the angular size of objects and to determine their positions.
  • Arcminutes are also used in many everyday applications, such as surveying and navigation. For example, surveyors use arcminutes to measure the distance between two points and to determine the location of property boundaries.
  • Arcminutes are a universal unit of measurement. This means that they can be used by people all over the world to measure the same thing. This is important for scientific collaboration and for sharing data.

Overall, arcminutes are an essential tool for measuring angular size and distance. They are used in a variety of fields to help us understand the world around us.


  1. Angular Size and Similar Triangles: NASA
  2. Positions and Sizes of Cosmic Objects: Las Cumbres Observatory
  3. How many minutes are in a circle?

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